Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Carmageddon Kills L.A.

So Sunday was our second coming of the ultra-ridiculous "Carmageddon". That's where one of our major freeways (the 405) partially closes for construction during one weekend.


And people thought only rain made Angelinos forget how to drive. Nope! Apparently construction does it too -_-

Well, luckily I was staying away from all that and just baking my heart out! I was asked to do  makeup at a fashion show and was lucky enough to be given a vending opportunity.  So you better believe I jumped on that!

I decided to make cheesecake and truffles. Not just plain cheesecake and chocolate truffles, NO.  The cheesecakes were Pumpkin and Oreo. Then the truffles were Red Velvet covered in bittersweet chocolate and dusted in gold and Cake Batter covered in white chocolate and topped with colorful non perils.  The table was a hit and the decorations were adooorable (if I do say so myself).

 How yummy?

Today though, a photographer came to shoot my pictures for my storefront that is going to be featured on when it launches it's Los Angeles site coming up this month! Very fun! I'm always on the other side of the camera.... plus, I didn't have anyone to do my makeup.  Not as glam as the usual photo shoots I'm on, but definitely more fun! 

I also just found out that I am boarding a 7 a.m. flight TOMORROW to New York to go see my little sister.  I'm so SO excited!!!  Fabulous, fun pictures to come!  I had an awesome week and hope you all did too!


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