Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nice to meet you too!


You know when you think you have good stories?
     You enjoy making people laugh?
          People tell you "you should write a book!"?

Maybe not....Well, that's me! But there is nooo wayyy I'm picking up a paper and pen to put down my stories any time soon.... So I'LL BLOG!
(That's what you do now, right?)

So I'm a makeup artist/crafter/foodie/accessory designer/traveler/music lover/perma-student/sister/daughter/friend. I'm interested in everything! :)

I live with my younger brother and our lives are constant adventures! We have a younger sister and the 3 of us were made by 2 crazy-adventurous parents and are Southern Californian, Los Angelinos to our core! Sunny skies and palm trees are the only way to live! <3

I hope my stories & pictures entice you, get you hungry, get you motivated, make you laugh, teach you something new, and just all around entertain you!


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