Sunday, September 23, 2012

Treats! Treats! They're good for your heart!


I did makeup for a new product that was shot by a crazy photographer in a super sketchy studio! But luckily, I went with a friend, the production artist was amaaazing, and the model was a sweetheart! It was my first packaging shoot too so I'm really looking forward to the finished product!

Then I made a test batch of some Cake Batter Truffles! They came out pretty adorable. I'm selling them a fashion show in Pasadena on the 30th! I'm very excited! I'll be doing the models' makeup AND was given a vendor opportunity! YAY!!!

Other than my school and work I've been swamped with making the decorations for my booth. I'm going with a peacock color scheme for the decorations. And I'll be selling Cake Batter & Red Velvet Truffles as well as Pumpkin & Oreo Cheesecakes!!! Nomnomnom!!!!

So super busy lately, but can't wait to post pictures of it all!

For now enjoy the picture of my truffles and come get some at The Terrace in Pasadena on the 30th of September!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nice to meet you too!


You know when you think you have good stories?
     You enjoy making people laugh?
          People tell you "you should write a book!"?

Maybe not....Well, that's me! But there is nooo wayyy I'm picking up a paper and pen to put down my stories any time soon.... So I'LL BLOG!
(That's what you do now, right?)

So I'm a makeup artist/crafter/foodie/accessory designer/traveler/music lover/perma-student/sister/daughter/friend. I'm interested in everything! :)

I live with my younger brother and our lives are constant adventures! We have a younger sister and the 3 of us were made by 2 crazy-adventurous parents and are Southern Californian, Los Angelinos to our core! Sunny skies and palm trees are the only way to live! <3

I hope my stories & pictures entice you, get you hungry, get you motivated, make you laugh, teach you something new, and just all around entertain you!